Monday, October 03, 2005

Weird Mood

Gosh I'm in a weird mood today =s Feel so um... bored and restless and stuff, and gosh its like AWEFULLY quiet, didn't have a proper conversation with anyone the whole day. And I feel a lil tired of messaging people and trying to get a conversation started cause well, everyone doesn't really seem to want to talk today. And I'm also tired of trying to think of stuff to talk about when people don't really reply anyway gosh, guess it's just one of those days?

Maybe it's cause Audrey is having her hiatus now so yeah, she was probably the only person i got to talk to everyday. And most of the time she was the only person I talked to for that day. And now gosh, there's no one at all! >.< Where did all the talking people go... sigh... Oh well, gotta live with it for the moment cause she wouldn't be back anytime soon. And I'm suddenly in this anti-love mood geesh, wonder what's up with that. Feel like I seriously don't wanna ever get attached cause its just such a hussle =P And there seem to be a lot more bad points compared to good points in them.

Its just all sooooo weird, happening after Worship Night and stuff gosh, really have to watch myself have a feeling something not too good might be coming my way =s

With faith like a child.


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