Thursday, April 07, 2005

I'm Back!

Haha, hm... its been ages since I last left a posting, oh well, not anyone really reads the stuff here anyway, and its a good thing to cause this is just to put my thoughts in words and like see them and yeah, see them in a different angle so to speak. Well I'm back, and feeling alright now, yups, a lot better now, thanks all ya people who like were there for me, like jh and audrey and my cg pals thanks yeah !!! ^_^ Haha, yup yup, back to my cheery mood, yeah, but I'm sick now which is such a bummer. Like I have a really bad throat infection... I even had to take a jab near my butt, and like somehow it made the area around it kinda numb or something, so like couldn't walk properly >.< And like i have tons of medicine gosh, all this for a sore throat o_0 No fried food, chocolates, ice cream, sweet or salty stuff ARGHHHH... Its toture... >.< but oh well, when I get well its time for a snacking spree !!! =D Didn't tell my boss I'm wasn't going to work today, hope she isn't to angry tomorrow =x And hm... lifes been good I think, besides the getting sick part like now I have my PSP and a lotta games to keep me company when I'm bored, and like still have a lil money left over after the spending spree, gonna save it up yup yup. Yeah things are looking up, gonna practice my guitar everyday !!! Haven't been practising much since I started working... like my fingers are all soft again =l Yup yup, guess thats enough for now, think I'll be putting up posts more often from now on, haha stay tuned for more adventures of my boring life !!! =P


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