Tuesday, August 09, 2005

And Hm...

And another thing I've notice is that all my friendships with people are actually getting more superficial, hm... I don't know, don't know what to talk to people about anymore and yeah, just feels a lil weird, oh well, its okay! Whats important is I have God and my guitar yeah! They're my only true friends really, always there no matter what ^_^ Maybe it is good my friendships seem to be drifting apart a bit, then yeah, can learn to live alone and stuff, cause eventually when everyones all grown up, people aren't really gonna have that much time to care and stuff and yeah, I'll have to watch out for myself and keep myself emotionally stable haha, so I might as well start living with just God and music early on, get a bit of a headstart so it'll be a lot easier next time =P Yup yup, silence is good I guess, have lots of time to think and stuff, don't really have to worry about anything, cause well, I don't know anything to be worried about haha. Just nice quiet silence with no disturbances. Although it has dulled me a lot, like I don't really talk as much as I do anymore, and I'm not very fun anymore, but then its okay cause I'm not out to make more friends and stuff, I'm just happily living quietly with God and music =) Friends are just small lil distraction or bonuses that float in and out every once in awhile, theres no such thing as a true friend that'll stick forever, I guess everyone gets kinda sick of each other after too long lol =P


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