Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sorry Everyone

I'm sorry everyone, but the me you used to know is dead. No more smiles, or laughter, no more joy for me, just emotionless cold new me. Yup, I know I'm losing my friends and stuff but oh well, I'm gonna just let go this time, what use are friends anyway? I'll just become a burden, and like friends have a tendency to not be around when you're at your lowest, not that its their fault mind you, its just that they have their own things to worry about and yeah, they can't always be there. And I don't know, I think I'll have to learn to live alone, so might as well get used to it right? Anyways just wanna say sorry guys, you've lost me, I've given up on everything already and the only thing left for me is to die, so yups, don't feel upset or anything if I don't seem to talk to you, its the same for everyone, I've died inside and laughter and all that has no more meaning for a dead person.


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