My Life
Haha, what a strange title for a posting isn't it? Well yeah, I've just been thinking what my life feels like. It's so weird and unreal, I almost feel like I'm forever in a dream haha. I haven't really felt down or anything for ages, and that feels weird. But I like it! It's good to not feel sad for a change haha. But you know, I think it's something you get when you really commit yourself to God, like maybe there are things I would have felt really miserable about in the past but don't mean so much to me anymore. It's like looking at everything differently, and finding that you know, everything here REALLY doesn't matter! It's what God has in stall for me that really matters, and yeah, it's just so exciting watching things unfold slowly. I'm so happy I quit school, at first I was a bit unsure of it and really wondered if I did the right thing, but now I know FOR SURE, there's nothing I could do here other then serving God, honestly I could never get a normal job and be happy. I guess you can say I'm addicted to serving God, and it's the only thing that can keep me going. And it also means I'm addicted to God haha, and that's definately a good thing! But yeah, really I can't see myself doing anything else other then serving God, although doing exactly what I'm not too sure yet. I'm really hoping it's through music, but you know, I don't want it to be what I want, more like what God wants for me yeah. So I gotta keep praying about it, and just keep chasing after God, to know more about Him every day. And I think it will happen, like the great men of the Bible, God can do great things through me too! It's so encouraging when I read about the the great saints like Moses, David and so many others, how they kept chasing after God and had a close relationship with Him, so much so that they could be open with Him. They could talk with God and He would listen to what they had to say! And He blessed them, and blessed others through them, and yeah, really did so many amazing things through them. And that's what I'll aim for, to hunger and seek Him and pray that He'll use me! So yeah, gosh, thinking back about everything, it really was the right thing to do. I couldn't just continue studying for a meaningless certificate, I would never want to do anything related to it and honestly the past year WAS NOT wasted. I'm sure some people think I must have had a really good time bumming around and stuff, but honestly it was one of the toughest periods in my life and I REALLY REALLY grew alot from it all. I really am a changed man, although people don't really see it that much outside, but inside, I'm free without and sadness and pain anymore, I really have come to understand that God has set me free, and I am living for so much more then what this world has to offer. I have found a joy that lasts forever, the greatest of gifts God has given me =)
With faith like a child,
I pray for more, anticipating the great things You can do.