Well yeah, I'm back with another posting again haha. Been lazy to update this thing gosh, I hardly even bother to really talk to people anymore so like yeah, anything here is just purely for 'thinking aloud'. I think I'm gonna 'retire' from youth min already. Strange I never thought I'd do this, but somehow I feel like my time there is up yeah, I've done what I could already and I should be moving on now. And I've been thinking about stuff, like it's not really necessary for me to just write worship songs to honour God, like I can do the same writing other songs. Like songs to inspire, encourage, and so on, He can work through songs like that too yeah. I don't like to be limited, I think music for God can be pushed beyond the current boundaries and yeah, there's more that can be done to reach more people. Music is a very powerful medium, and I know there's a lot I can do with it. Stange how at the moment my life seems really quiet, guess it's one of those quieter moments. And yeah, struggling with stuff quietly, trying to sort it out, but I know it'll be alright, and yeah, when it's over things are gonna be a lot better. It helps to know that I'm not going to live a simple life, and that God has great plans for me so all of this isn't for nothing, it'll help me somehow in the future. I feel like someone on a mission, like I have great things to achieve and it does help me to focus a bit more, and drives me on somemore. Thank God for it or I wouldn't know how to survive, being alone most of the time. I'd probably have gone mad a long time ago if it wasn't for all of this. But yeah, I've really adjusted to things well, I'm happily going through each day by myself now, waiting to see what happens next yups.
With faith like a child.